Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Star Hall

I'm going to start this blog off very slow.  I find my biggest problem with starting anything is trying to do too much to the point where I don't even want to execute it anymore.  It's come to my attention that this blog may be on my study abroad website, so here goes.

For future HKU exchange students: Starr Hall is by far the best dormitory.  Please make it your first choice, you can't go wrong.  The facilities are fairly new and very clean, and the hall life itself is very well knit and strong.  If you want to get involved in sports and other activites for your hall, this is the place to do it. 

Sarr Hall is infamous for being the hall with the largest proportion of international students.  There are by far more local (Hong Kong) students than exchange, but the fact still remains that many of the residents are quite used to seeing international students come and go.

And to go on that topic, what a trip it is to be an international student .  Really you have to experience it for youself to understand what I mean.  It's refreshing to meet people with such new and different perspectives as well as being the acutal one with the unique outlook.  

Hall life is is fantastic I'm going to be joining my floor's basketball team as well as hopefully representing my hall in tennis.  

Everyone here is also very friendly and very eager to help and get to know you, I mean that at HKU in general.  Perhaps it's the big school atmostphere (12,000 undergrads and 10,000 postgraduate) or maybe just the new environment (it's my first time in all of Asia), but I feel there is something special going on, and that I will fully enjoy my time here.  

The drinking age is 18, not that that's relavant at all. =P

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