Saturday, February 14, 2009


Of the many miscellaneous thing I do in Hong Kong, one of the few that I do without waking up with a big headache and a guilty conscience is...archery.  The only differnce is that I actually score in archery. =)

Archery is one of the things you'd thought you'd never do growing up in Boston.  Truth be told I'd never expect to be shooting arrows a) in Hong Kong or b) on Valentine's Day.  

Oh don't get me started on Valentine's Day here, or should I say, "Single's Awareness Day" I went through the equivalent of the New York Times Square in Hong Kong and it's disgusting.  Couples everywhere holding hands, walking around with bouquets of flowers, wearing matching t-shirts...just get a room won't you!

Oh and the restaurants were all packed and my group of friends and I had to settle for an Indonesian Restaurant.  

Overall archery is the bomb, and Valentine's Day is only lukewarm. (but shooting arrows ON Valentine's Day is Legen....wait for it....DARY!!)

1 comment:

  1. Was this per Clayton and Charles? They were pretty big into it, too. :)
