Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Corner

I don't believe I have stressed enough how important hall life is here at HKU.  The hall identity is very strong and competition between halls in sports, debate, cultural clubs, etc. is fierce.  Residents of each hall proudly display their hall pride through a number of different avenues, most notably track jackets and trash talk.

I've been to floor dinners, played board games, have had floor soups, floor moral meetings, etc.  It's amazing how intertwined all the different aspects of residential life is in these halls.  It's almost like a freshman dorm (communal bathrooms), except the RA's have a very minimal role.  In fact PICs (or person in charge) are elected and performed the duties that are required of them, and most of the time its something that they would want to do. (so they would typically do a better job at it than an apathetic RA)

When is comes down to it the culture is much different, especially in terms of alcohol and drug use.  These kids have fun and goof off a lot, but know how to keep out of trouble.  People don't follow the rules word for word (there is no gambling or alcohol consumtion allowed at my hall) but people also don't throw up in a stairwell or blow smoke rings outside their windows only to be found and written up by RA's or CP.  

I gues what I'm trying to say is that it's different here but by no means any more tame.  Ladies and gentlemen "Exhibit A" i.e. "Hapy Corner"  

I got it on film Nikki...I got it on film. (SD card, same thing)

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